Starting off 2024

As my 5th quarter at SCAD is starting I am readjusting to life here in Savannah. I spent my winter break home in New Jersey, cherishing time with my family and hometown friends. This quarter starts my 11-month stretch of constant school! Therefore, a restful break at home was in order.

2024 has a lot in store for me, with potential internships and waitressing gigs to keep me moving forward. While staying a full-time student and getting my academics ahead of my class. With a possible study abroad trip on top of that! I cannot wait to see what this year brings me.

But for now, I am focused on my classes, well-being, and paving the path for whatever opportunities come my way. I have started this quarter by continuing my participation in intermural soccer and being more involved in SCAD’s AIAS group. I am putting myself out there to my wonderful community and am definitely feeling the support and love around me.

Being a second-quarter sophomore gives me the confidence to connect with my professors and upperclassmen. In the SCAD architecture department, it feels like we are all in it together. Lending our critique and help when it’s needed. I am excited to become more involved in this department and grow as a student and aspiring architect this year.




The Owala